When to Call for Emergency Tree Services After a Storm?

Emergency Tree Services

Storms can create havoc, and often the trees – once falling on electric lines can disrupt the entire flow of electricity. Also, property damage is the second most fatal impact of storm-affected trees. Knowing the right time to call for a tree service emergency can prevent you from having long-term impacts on your property, life, and save you from costly repairs. 

In this article, we are going to discuss certain pointers which will help you to understand when to call for a tree service emergency. Often, not knowing this science may prevent you from calling the tree service emergency at the right time, which can even aggravate the situation.

What are the signs to look for in a tree after a storm, before calling a tree service emergency?

Before calling a tree service emergency, watch out for the following signs in the tree after the storm has subsided:

  • A broken branch on the tree that is hanging at a precarious position. 
  • Cracked trunks in the tree that can fall off at any time.
  • A weakened limb in the tree that can be precariously dangerous.
  • Look into those parts of the trees which have been partially uprooted.

What to know about every sign in a damaged tree?

Now that you have identified the different points which are critical, it is important for you to know how it impacts the safety.

The prudent or leaning trees are generally caused due to strong wind that the trees cannot bear. Often the uprooted trees are the most dangerous ones as they have the highest chance or probability of toppling over. If such a tree topples over, then it can lead to catastrophic events later on.

Under this situation, calling a tree service emergency is very much required. A professional arborist will be able to safely uproot the trees or bring stability to them. 

If you are traveling on a road and you see a storm affected tree lying on the road itself, then it is time to look for  emergency tree services. An obstructed Rd. can cause delays and accidents even when people drive safely. 

Avoid using your own skills and experience to remove the trees that are lying on the road. It can result in accidents that can be very injurious to your health. 

The next kind of chemistry that requires immediate attention are the hanging parts or branches of the tree. Such hanging parts or branches can often lead to death if they fall over any passerby. To prevent such mishaps from happening, calling a tree service emergency immediately is recommended.

The community’s safety is actually at risk and it is at this time that you should be a true citizen and safeguard your community from getting affected by these unsafe situations.

One of the major causes of electrocution during a storm is a tree that has fallen on top of the electric wired lines. They get tangled and entangled with the electric wired lines and lead to power failure or fires. Removing such trees by yourself is not recommended as it can lead to not only electrocution but death. Many such cases have happened wherein the power outage has continued for days as the tree service emergency was not called for right away. 

A quick tip: the power lines that are massacred by the trees are live and you must not go near them.

Lastly, if there are trees that have fallen and got impacted by the storm and have disease in the roots or branches or trunks, it is recommended to call an arborist right away. It might not always be possible that these parts of the trees get noticed under normal circumstances.

But after a storm, these parts get exposed. Once these parts get exposed, it is very critical to call a tree service emergency before they cause more havoc.

What should you do while waiting for a tree service emergency?

The foremost thing to do is to maintain precaution and safety. Stay away from the particular area but keep taking photographs if your personal property is damaged as it can help you to get the insurance claim.

Lastly, if your property is already insured, make sure that you notify the insurance right away after the incident has happened.