Micro needling treatment is gaining a lot of importance in recent times. If you are someone who is very conscious about their skin and any form of acne or skin lesions bother you, micro needling treatment should be the right solution.
But The thing is not many people know about micro needling treatment. In this article we are trying to cover a basic understanding for micro needling treatment that can help the first timers.
Microneedling: A basic introduction
Collagen induction therapy is another name for micro needling. In the process of macro needling, small holes and features are made on the skin and the device is fit into the skin with the help of fine needles.
Due to the micro injuries caused on the skin of the face, collagen and elastin production increases. The increase in the production of collagen and elastin is a form of healing mechanism by our body.
These are the vital components that are important for bringing a youthful look to our face.
Why is microneedling gaining a lot of importance and prevalence?
One of the major reasons why micro needling treatment is gaining prominence is due to its non-invasive nature. Wrinkles and fine lines from the face can be removed and it is only possible with micro needling as the collagen fiber production increases due to the healing nature of her skin.
Such a non- invasive procedure also means that there is less pain involved in the process. Another application of macro needling treatment is the removal of uneven skin texture and tone – which makes it very popular. Pigmentation issues are resolved without much of a hassle.
When microneedling treatment is done, the serums and lotions that are applied after the treatment are far more effective than any other methods.
Due to so many advantages of micro needling treatment, it is gaining prominence and relevance in the current dermatological setup.It is going to increase even further as we move in the next stages.
Now if you are going for a micro needling treatment tomorrow, there are certain things that you should follow to prepare yourself for the same.
Things to follow to prepare for the microneedling treatment
Before going ahead with a macro needling treatment, it is important to understand that you have to also prepare yourself.
The 1st and most important thing to do is to keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least three 3.5 liters of water one week before your treatment session. Keeping your skin hydrated ensures that the skin is easy to operate on and it gets healed quickly.
Dry skin can be very difficult to operate on, specially under such cases.
Secondly, at least three to four days before the treatment, stop using any external skin care products such as retinoids and exfoliants. Discussing with the physician regarding the prescribed medicine or the skin care products that you are on is always the right decision to take.
Thirdly, it is also very important that you prevent getting too exposed to the sun. It brings back to the same point that getting exposed to the sun will break your skin and further damage the quality of the skin, resulting in reduced efficiency of the treatment.
What to do after the micro needling treatment?
After the micro needling treatment is over, it is recommended to listen to your physician’s instructions very carefully. Avoid exposure to the Sun on a regular basis and for a longer duration.
Secondly, we also recommend you to drink as much water as possible and keep yourself hydrated for at least for the next week.
Thirdly, avoid the use of any chemicals on your face, such as makeup.
Following these instructions, we’ll make sure that you are making this surgery a completely successful one and you can see the results at a faster pace.
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