How long can hamburger meat stay in the refrigerator?

hamburger meat

Hamburger meat is something that is used in almost every dish, starting from burger to lasagna and even to rolls. But when it comes to hamburgers,  they are highly perishable. 

It can be very important to understand how to store hamburger meat properly so that not only does it not get spoiled, but it also doesn’t allow the growth of bacteria such as salmonella, listeria, or E. coli. 

This article will focus on how long hamburger meat can stay in the refrigerator before being consumed. 

Ideal shelf life of hamburger meat

Generally, it is recommended to consume hamburger meat within one to two days if stored properly. 

As per the USDA, the hamburger meat when kept in the refrigerator should be kept at 4°C.  Anything above this temperature makes the environment very stable for the growth of bacteria and spoils it further. 

The raw hamburger meat can stay around 2 days within the refrigerator, while the cooked one can last up to four days in maximum. 

Now if you need to store it for a longer time, it is better to refrigerate it. 

Deep refrigeration can last ground meat for up to four months, provided it gets frozen at a temperature of -18°C. 

How do we know if hamburger meat is still safe to eat? 

Here are the quick signs to look into to check if the hamburger meat is still safe to eat.

  • If there is a rancid smell from the hamburger meat, it is a sign that it’s not good to eat anymore. Fresh hamburger meat can have a mild to neutral smell.
  • When it comes to the colour, it should be bright red on the outside, while the inner can be a little darker. However, if there is a little grey or greenish, it symbolizes the deposition of fungi, which means that it should not be consumed. 
  • When it comes to the texture, it should be firm. If it is not, and if there is juicy, slimy stickiness on the meat, then it’s gone. It cannot be eaten anymore. 
  • Pay close attention to the packaging of the meat and check if there is any liquid pooling nearby. If that is the case, then the meat has already started to break down and it cannot be consumed. 

Preserve the hamburger meat for a longer duration

Here are a few tips that you can follow to preserve the hamburger meat for a longer duration. 

  • An aluminum foil or a zip lock to store it tightly in the refrigerator, 
  • Cut it out into smaller portions and refrigerate it. This prevents the refrigeration from being concentrated into specific areas. 
  • Lastly, don’t forget to label your frozen meat along with the date on which the labeling was done. This helps you to keep a track in terms of the durability of the quality of the meat. 


Hamburger meat should not be consumed beyond two days and if it is in cooked condition, four days is the maximum that you can store. 

If the hamburger meat is defrosted, make sure that you preheat it. 

Add some seasonings before you start eating it on that day.