6 Top Reasons To Upgrade To A Riding Lawnmower in 2025


Are you fed up with trying to mow your front or back garden with a push mower?

Many people who start their lives with a small garden and a small mower can often think that once they move to a property with a larger outdoor space, a push mower will still hold its value and help them tackle the larger lawn.

Of course, that’s not the case. With more greenery comes more complexity and more time needed to keep it looking its best. So, if you are feeling fed up with your push mower, now may be the time to get yourself a riding lawnmower.

Yes, riding lawnmowers are a substantial investment but, for many people with larger properties, they are nothing short of a godsend, and here, you will be walked through six reasons why it may be time to upgrade to one in 2025.

1. Save Time on Lawn Care

One of the core benefits of investing in riding mowers from Cub Cadet is that they will save you a great deal of time. All riding mowers are equipped with wider cutting decks, which allow them to cover more ground in a single pass compared to even the biggest push mowers. This will free you up for other activities in your garden or home and it will make the weekly mowing session less of a chore.

Of course, you have to know how to use the mower properly, so it’s advised for new owners of riding mowers to simply navigate around their property on the mower without actually cutting the grass, so you can understand how the controls and the steering work.

2. Reduces Physical Strain

As you are no doubt aware, push mowers on larger pieces of land require considerable physical effort, more so if the ground is uneven or there are terrain inconsistencies with the lawn. This can lead to fatigue and strain on the body, which can cause a great deal of soreness the day after. It’s not ideal if you want to build up a positive relationship with your garden and chores! A riding mower will eliminate this problem entirely, as you will just sit comfortably and steer the machine while it does all the work. This is particularly beneficial if you or another member of your family have health issues, or are older and just want to enjoy a less physically demanding approach to lawn and garden care.

3. Cost-Effective

It is often thought that middle- or upper-class people own a riding mower, but if you’re trying to navigate any large patch of lawn with ease and keep it looking pristine, this machine is a necessity. All push mowers are designed for small to medium-sized lawns and if you use them continually to mow larger expanses of land, you may actually cause damage to the lawnmower, and it may need to be replaced more often. Riding mowers are designed to handle larger lawns with ease and have added durability to do so. They are equipped to navigate wide open spaces and can even turn around obstacles like trees, as well as tackle uneven terrain. So, while they can seem more costly upfront, you won’t need to replace them as often as you would a smaller mower when handling larger lawns.

4. Enhanced Features and Versatility

Riding lawnmowers come with features that enhance both their functionality and convenience, making them easier to use than most people think. Even the most basic riding mower will come with cruise control options, which will allow you to move and mow at a consistent speed over a large area. Like regular mowers, they also come with adjustable cutting heights, so you can tailor the grass length to your preferences and they will also come with attachments and accessories, such as mulching kits, grass baggers, and aerators. Interestingly, many also offer snow plow add-ons if you want to take on a frost-covered lawn in winter!

When going for higher-end options, they may even come with GPS navigation and LCD control panels. This will not only improve the mowing experience but will allow you to customize your lawn care. So, feel free to look online at the different options and features out there, and choose the ideal one for your home and your lawn needs.

5. Increase Precision and Quality

As mentioned in the intro, if you have a larger lawn and you have been attempting to mow it with a push mower, you will have not only noticed that it is physically more demanding but there may be issues with the precision and quality of the cut.

With a riding mower, you can achieve a clean and professional-looking cut to your lawn, even if it is uneven, solely because riding mowers are designed for more consistent precision. Riding mowers have powerful engines, as well as sharper blades than standard push mowers, which will provide you with a consistent and even cut, while also enhancing the appearance of the lawn. There are also features like zero turn steering and maneuverability, which allow you to cut closer to obstacles that you may have in your garden, such as trees, flowerbeds, fences, or paths, which will reduce the need for additional trimming with a strimmer. With how temperamental strimmers are, that’s good news for everyone!

6. Add Convenience and Fun to Lawn Care

Last but not least, when you invest in a riding mower for your larger property, lawn care no longer has to feel like a chore. Riding lawn mowers will make mowing your lawn more convenient and even enjoyable. Instead of needing to sweat and push, you simply get to sit back, steer, and ride your way to having a perfectly manicured and pristine lawn. Many riding mowers even come with cup holders or padded seats, which can make the experience more comfortable, even during a heat wave. If you have children who are above a certain age, you can easily delegate the mowing task to them without complaints, as many kids love doing this garden task when they get to use a riding mower.